Mark Robinson: Who Is the Conspiracy-Loving Republican North Carolina Governor Nominee?


Robinson has claimed that it is his divine duty to fight LGBTQ+ issues, so North Carolinians can expect more of this from him if he is indeed elected governor.


Robinson considers himself a devout Christian, does not believe in the separation of church and state, and wants to introduce prayer in public schools. He has also made many inflammatory remarks about other religions, specifically Islam and Judaism. According to HuffPost, Robinson spent years posting Islamophobic comments on his Facebook page, claiming that Muslims are violent and accusing them of being terrorists.

Robinson has also made many antisemitic remarks, including — to name a few — calling the Holocaust “hogwash,” quoting Hitler on Facebook, and once endorsing a podcast host’s view that a Jewish banking family was one the horseman of the apocalypse. (He has also declared his staunch support for Israel.)

Civil Rights

Trump has called Robinson “Martin Luther King on steroids,” which would be true if steroid use fundamentally destroyed a person’s values. Robinson has criticized the Civil Rights Movement, claiming that it was a communist plot to “subvert capitalism” and that “so many freedoms were lost” during the movement. (He also called Martin Luther King Jr. a communist and criticized the late US representative and Civil Rights icon John Lewis.) Robinson once made a post on Facebook claiming that “slavery of the mind is FAR worse than physical slavery,” and made another post alleging that racial integration was about “the destruction of [Black] families, the bondage of your minds, and the theft of your talents.”

Robinson has had especially vicious words for Black women. He called Frederica Wilson, a Black US representative from Florida, “lying, liberal, bottom-feeding, pond scum,” has accused Michelle Obama of speaking “ghetto” and “wookie,” and once claimed that Halle Berry, Mariah Carey, and Issa Rae were “dressing in see thru, ultra tight, breast bearing whore dresses to protest sexual harassment” at the Golden Globes.

Conspiracy Theories

As HuffPost has reported, Robinson loves conspiracy theories, and he’s left the receipts on social media. He once posted on Facebook: “I don’t believe the Moon Landing was faked and I don’t believe 9/11 was an ‘inside job’ but if I found both were true…I wouldn’t be surprised.” He also once posted that he was “SERIOUSLY skeptical of EVERYTHING I see and have seen on television. From the murder of JFK to 9/11 to Las Vegas. EVERYTHING.” He reportedly thinks climate change is fake; claimed that Black Panther was a “fictional ‘hero’ created by an agnostic Jew and put to film by satanic marxist [sic]” to steal money from Black people; and he accused philanthropist George Soros of carrying out the 2014 Boko Haram kidnapping of Nigerian schoolgirls.

And Robinson is reportedly a fan of the New World Order conspiracy, which, as Vice reported in 2022, is a decades-long conspiracy theory that posits a “manner of dystopian horrors, including forced depopulation programs, a secretive ruling class of reptiles, and ‘elite globalists’ on a satanic mission to bring about the ‘end times.’” Parts of that “New World Order,” according to Robinson, are reality television programs like Chopped and American Idol, Bill Clinton, progressives, and, again, George Soros.

And What Was That Thing About Beyoncé?

One of Robinson’s preferred conspiracy theories is that the music industry is run by both Satan and the Illuminati, with Beyoncé apparently playing a key role. He has likened her music to “Satanic chants,” and has accused her of being a “skank” who teaches “young women how to be hyper-sexual whores.” He also says Jay-Z is a “demonic stooge of Satan.” I’m guessing Robinson probably didn’t dig Cowboy Carter….

So there you have it — Mark Robinson, the GOP’s pick for North Carolina governor.

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Tags: 2024, abortion, conspiracies, lgbtq rights, north carolina, politics op-ed, republicans, vote harder, voting

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